Nila De Silva
(850) 520-1660 Direct
(805) 795-1599 Cell (Real Estate Agent/ Property Manager/Notary Public)
Baby wipes, Toliet Paper
Granola and Power Bars
Dried Fruit, Raisins,Nuts
Small Canned Tuna or Chicken
Gum,Candy,Hard Candy
Presweetened Powdered Gatorade,Crystal Light,Individual size
Small Handheld or Travel Size Games
DVDs,CDs,Magazines,Newspaper comics
alhletic Socks,Neck Cooler Ties
AA and AAA batteries
Beef Jerky, individual snack size
Trailmix,Pop Tarts, Individual snack items
Small jars of Peanut Butter and Jelly
Potato Chips Iin cylinder cans)
Crossword,Word Search, Sudoku,Puzzleboods,Paperback Novels
Stationery Items, Pens,Blank Cards
Lip Balm,Toothpaste,Toothburshes
Cooton Swabs,QpTips,Pipe cleaners
Letters of Appreciation to the Troopf From Children and Adults
Tax Deductible Monetary Donations for Postage
Please call Nila or email for pick up above items. (Nila@NilaHomesCa.Com) Call (805) 520-1660
call your pro-active neighborhood real-estate agents today. I am ready to discuss your concerns & questions anytime. Please feel free to call me for a free appointment.
Nila De Silva: The agent who works hard to achieve your goals and make your dreams come true.