Carol Lollich, Broker
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Chateau Lednice, South Moravia, Czech Republic

Chateau Lednice dates from the 13th century, when a Gothic fort and courtyard stood at the location. At the end of the 13th century, the Liechtenstein family, originally from Styria, Austria, became holders of all of Lednice and nearby Mikulov. They eventually acquired land on both sides of the Moravian-Austrian border. By the middle of the 15th century, members of the family held the highest offices in the land. And, by the 1600s, one of the Liechtensteins, Karel, was raised to princely status, and was awarded the Duchy of Opava. During that time, a Renaissance chateau was built, later to be replaced by the current Baroque palace, with extensive formal gardens and a huge riding hall that still exists in almost its original form.

The chateau went through several renovations, and the current chateau was renovated in the mid-1800s. At that time, it became a summer palace for Prince Alios II of Austria, and was the site of summer entertaining for European aristocracy. Its sumptuous banquets and elegant furnishings surpassed anything of its kind in Europe at that time.

The Lednice-Valtice Complex, including the vast gardens of Chateau Lednice, is a UNESCO World Heritage site, and is known as the "Garden of Europe". It is open for tours almost year round.

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